It is amazing how many people I know spend hundreds of dollars to get a web page and a video to promote themselves or business and then just leave it sitting on the web without posting the link or URL to their video on the social platforms that are available. That's like buying a billboard ad and putting the whole thing in your garage instead of putting it out on a busy street somewhere. The people that sell billboards know that they have to sell you a place high up by the busiest street to entice you purchase this form of advertising. They place your ad where there is TRAFFIC.
It's the same on the internet. It is so easy to copy and paste the link to your website on Facebook, twitter, Google + and linkedin, just to name a few. Think of this like a spider who spins his web reaching each point and securing it so that he can build a big net, so to speak, to catch his diner. He works and works at this web spinning or he won't be able to catch a thing. It does take work but once it's done, you just sit back and wait for your new client.
We are all here in the world simply trading our skills and what we have to offer so that we can exist.
The more people that are exposed to what we do the merrier. Today is a great day to be able to display who you are and what you do via the internet.
One of the things I do is help people share who they are and what they do with a modern website and short advertising videos and then show them how to post on there social network. Let me know If I can help you!
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