Monday, March 18, 2013

It's not just the video. It's the the music and voice over as well.

When purchasing or creating a video for your website, or something just for your friends and family to view. You have to be aware of the music that you use. You can't just use any old music or new music from a third party source. this could create copyright infringement issues later on. Having your video removed from youtube because the music wasn't free to use. In other words there were copyrights to the recording and legally you would have to pay royalties or purchase the rights to the music before you could attach it to your video.

If you're a small or medium size business you could have a jingle composed for you and then you would have your very own audio brand. Make sure you are buying the rights to the custom soundtrack when you purchase it.

There are also loops that are sold with video editing or audio recording programs that you are licensed to use when you purchase the programs. Some times these sound bytes or music beds can be challenged by Youtube, Vimeo or CD Baby but if you contest they are usually dismissed.