Thursday, July 25, 2013

ADVID online is passionate about conveying your passion via a VIDEO!

I'm talking about having your very own internet commercial to promote your product or service. A video you can have on your website or be able to post on your social media links. You can educate,  inform, have people sign up on an email list or just plain sell them something. 

Think about what you can say and show in a video, the music that will convey your character and how you can reflect who you are and why it is you're the best in your field. We use video clips of YOU and your business, royalty free or custom written music with a script and voice over, your message to convey to your prospective clients your products, services or performance. 

I make ADVIDS for my clients for two reasons, one because I believe video is the most powerful marketing tool there is, it's engaging, informative and entertaining. Two because the video is about you! it describes you, we can actually see and hear you share your vision, talent, service or product. The result? An informed consumer that can now make an educated decision as to why they should purchase your product or service…This can dramatically increase your bottom line. …

I have been using video to advertise for quite some time now and let me tell you it is POWERFUL!…People I have never met act like they know me because I was already introduced to them via a video. There is nothing new about this form of marketing and advertising it's been in use on Television for quite some time. But now, you too can own your very own commercial, an ADVID, an advertising video, that you don't have to pay exorbitantly to be seen on TV. You can use it online! ADVID online, now you're getting it. 

You can have your ADVID placed on your website. Place it on all you social media platform, (that's free by the way). You can be found in specific searches or from the link on your business card and have customers get a birds eye view of what you do, why you do it and the result of your service or product via a video.

On your website or links, a video can let the consumer, client or prospect hit the add to cart button, all done by your virtual salesman, your ADVID online, You delivering your message, showing your product or service, testimonials of your satisfied clients, what ever it is you do or provide. While you are taking care of your present clients, your video can do the work of a sales team from one to 100 persons strong by just showing it over and over again to those that have searched for you...

Ali Bei

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

Today I am especially reminded of the sacrifice it took to live in a free nation. Yes there was blood spilt and loss of life. Wives, Husbands, Mothers, Fathers and families that had to endure through the grief of losing someone who sacrificed all for our freedom. Our Flag still flies and my patriotism is re-sparked today. May our rights and liberties remain en-tact as we love the freedom and independence which we won't allow to be  taken away! God Bless America.

Ali Bei
ADVID online